About Stephen Stokes
Following a brief time at Downside School and Grenoble University, Stephen spent the majority of his career in media.
This took him all over the world across a diverse range of projects. But all the time he kept coming back to the workshop to make something. In the early days some of his projects were not up to scratch. As he often tells his pupils:
“I am not necessarily better than you at this, I have just made more mistakes than you and learned not to repeat them next time.”
At first it was friends and family that asked if they could "have a go" at beginners' woodturning, then that circle broadened and he was encouraged to offer woodturning experience days or half days. And so Bodden Cross Studio was born.
There are few greater pleasures than taking time out to create something special for yourself or a family member. Come and find out at the Bodden Cross Studio.
The Bodden Cross Studio was created by Stephen Stokes to allow people to have fun with wood. Through many years of teaching woodturning Stephen learned many people just want to come and try, but can't commit to days, weeks or months on courses they're not sure they will enjoy.
Some of us have jobs where at the end of the day we ask ourselves, "What did I achieve today?" Often it's hard to give a definitive answer.
On a Bodden Cross Studio woodturning or letter carving course you can come and make a wooden bowl, carve a sign, or any one of a multitude of other projects in a day.
At the end of the day you will have achieved something.
Come and see for yourself what you can create.